The Indian Evangelical Mission (IEM) is a mission agency working almost entirely in India. The history of IEM began in 1954. IEM:
- Has 930 missionaries and staff.
- Recruits approximately 25 young Indian people each year.
- Works among 54 different people groups who are Muslims, Hindus or Tribals.
- Works in 35 mission fields with 130 mission stations in India and 6 overseas.
IEM is involved in:
- Evangelism and church planting among unreached groups of people.
- Leadership development in the Mission Fields.
- Bible Translation in unwritten languages.
- Literacy programmes for those who cannot read.
- Medical clinics and community health projects in rural areas.
- Development work, such as running hostels for tribal children, food for work programmes and drilling to provide drinking water.
IEM finance.
- IEM looks to God in faith for its support through Christian people.
- Missionarie's salaries and general work expenses of the Mission come from Indian Christians and churches.
- Gifts from overseas are only used:
for capital expenditure, e.g. building projects
for special projects
IEM's Vision: The Gospel to every person and church among every people group.
IEM's Mission:
- To take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the unevangelised areas in India and abroad and to plant churches among unreached people groups.
- To challenge and strengthen Indian Christians to realise their responsibility for world evangelisation and to recognise their partnership with other Christians in the world fulfilling their task.
IEM's Pillars: Vision, Faith and Sacrifice.
IEM's Core Values: Mobility, Equality, Integrity, Fellowship, Loyalty and Purity.
The IEM Headquarters is in Bangalore and the General Secretary is Rev Dr Raja Singh Elias.
Rev Dr Raja Singh Elias
IEM Headquarters